

Health is a point of concern now, especially with extra expenses expected due to planetary positions in the second house. Keep an eye on health and budget.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations

The beginning of the month will be good if you are in a love relationship. The combined effect of Mars and Venus on your fifth house will make you very romantic. Love will increase between you and your beloved. Your romanticism will be at its peak and you will not care for anyone. During this time, intimate relations will increase. The second half of the month will be somewhat weak. Stay away from any arguments or verbal fights. Saturn will aspect on the seventh house and will take a n exam of your married life , but the first half of the month will be favorable because then Saturn’s blessings will be present. But, in the second half of the month, Sun along with Saturn will be present in the first house of your birth chart and it will aspect on the seventh house and Mars while sitting in the twelfth house of your birth chart will aspect on the seventh house. So, as a result of these mutual arguments and verbal fights, stress will increase. You have to take care of your relationship by observing patience.