

Jupiter’s position in the 7th house suggests improved health, especially if there were heart problems before. Enjoy some outdoor activities and quality time with family.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations
According to the Virgo Monthly Horoscope 2024, If you are in a love relationship, then the beginning of the month will be very favorable. The presence of Sun and Mercury will grant a wise mind and auspicious thinking to your beloved. You can define your love in the right way. The movement of Venus in the fifth house on 12th February 2024 and movement of mars in the 5th house will move your relationship forward. You and your partner will be close and intimacy will increase. It will be a time full of romance. You will love your beloved from the deep reaches of your bosom.Talking about married people, this month the situation will be full of ups and downs. Ketu will be in your zodiac and Rahu will be in the seventh house will remain present for the whole month and in the beginning of the month, Mars will aspect on the seventh house from the fourth house, which may raise tensions between you and your life partner. There will be chances of quarrel between you and your life partner and due to this your health may suffer. However, in the second half of the month there will be less problems in your relationship and you will keep trying to understand each other. This will gradually give time to each other and it will clear the dust on your relationship, but it will take time, so it is advised that you must be patient.

About Us

Kanishk Dubey is a renowned astrologer with over 8 years of experience in deciphering the celestial language and its mystical influence on human destiny.

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