Birth Time Rectify

  1. Life Mapping: Discussing the significance of accurate birth times in creating a detailed life map.
  2. Personality Traits: Analyzing astrological factors contributing to personality traits and characteristics.
  3. Career Path Insights: Gaining insights into potential career paths and astrological influences on professional choices.
  4. Relationship Dynamics: Understanding how accurate birth times contribute to a more precise assessment of relationship compatibility.


  • 700/- INR
    15 Min
  • 1100/- INR
    30 Min
  • 1500/- INR
    50 Min
  • 2500/- INR
    90 Min
    (Combine Detailes With Partner Match Analysis)

About Us

Kanishk Dubey is a renowned astrologer with over 8 years of experience in deciphering the celestial language and its mystical influence on human destiny.

Our Hours

All Days 24/7

