
  1. Energetic Protection: Recommending astrological remedies to create a protective shield against negative energies and black magic.
  2. Identification of Malevolent Forces: Using astrological techniques to identify and understand the source of black magic influences.
  3. Removal Strategies: Providing personalized astrological remedies and rituals to neutralize the effects of black magic.
  4. Preventive Measures: Advising on ongoing astrological practices to prevent future encounters with negative forces.


  • 700/- INR
    15 Min
  • 1100/- INR
    30 Min
  • 1500/- INR
    50 Min
  • 2500/- INR
    90 Min
    (Combine Detailes With Partner Match Analysis)

About Us

Kanishk Dubey is a renowned astrologer with over 8 years of experience in deciphering the celestial language and its mystical influence on human destiny.

Our Hours

All Days 24/7

